Research Assignment

  • Data Visualization Aggregator is a great website solely dedicated to data visualizations. Users can upload, share and get inspired by its vast library of visualizations.

  • A visualization

This particular info graph is one of my favorites. It is an interactive one with a very simple and beautiful layout . It allows the user to hover over each appliance and compare replacement and repairing costs.

  • Artist/Designer

Column Five Media is a company that has offices in New York and California. They do a variety of visualization works including motion graphics and interactive info graphs.

  • Visualization Tool

Gephi is an open source visualizing software that can be used for various purposes. Gephi is however best for dynamic network analysis. I have myself used it to visualize my Facebook social network.

  • Data Collection Tool

Nomi is a New York based startup that allows it’s clients to collect data of their customers in order to gain valuable insight. One of their clients are Baked by Melissa.

  • Discussion Forum                                     

A  website that allows creative participants to collaborate and design data visualizations.

  • Data Source                           

A real time data website that gives information on flights and airports.

  • Data Ethics                                      

This particular blog post on Harvard Business Review has some very interesting points and discussions.

  • A Book

Information is beautiful is one of my favorite websites and book. I have read the UK version though.